SOGII – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Inclusion Group
SOGII meetings are part of the way in which we seek to live out our commitment to diversity. Through SOGII we aim to:
· Offer a safe and respectful welcome to all who come to Chichester Quaker Meeting, free from assumptions about gender and sexual identity.
· Increase our understanding of the ever-changing issues around diversity in sexuality and gender identity.
· Provide an inclusive and respectful space for discussions and learning about sexuality and gender identity, listening, and connecting with each other deeply.
We meet quarterly, usually on Sundays following Meeting for Worship, from 12.30-14.30. Recent topics and activities have included: Trans Inclusion - Are we going Backwards? Same-Sex Marriage: Sharing our Stories; The Changing Language of Gender Diversity; with attendance at Chichester, Worthing and Brighton Prides; and holding a “Picnic in the Park”.
All are very welcome.
For further information, contact the co-convenors via email: