Our Worship

Our Quaker Meeting is based on silence, a silence of waiting and listening. The silence is different from that of solitary meditation, as the listening and waiting in a Quaker Meeting is a shared experience in which worshippers seek to experience God for themselves. We come together to listen to the promptings of love and truth in our hearts.

The silence may be broken if someone present feels called to say something that will deepen and enrich the worship. Anyone is free to speak, pray or read aloud if they feel strongly led to do so. This breaks the silence for a few minutes but does not interrupt it. In the quietness of the Meeting, we can become aware of a deep and powerful spirit of love and truth, transcending our ordinary day-to-day experiences.

If you want to know more about us, how we work and our beliefs, you can download the text of our booklet ‘Advices and Queries’ here.