Come to a Meeting or join us on-line for Meeting for Worship (please contact Chris Grove, our Correspondence Clerk, on 01243 839829 or email if you would like more information and the Zoom link details). Just say you are a visitor and that this is your first time.
To Quakers, Worship simply means sitting quietly and leaving your mind as open as you can to the promptings of your deepest self. It is an opportunity to try to put aside current cares and contemplate what is really important to you And if you find an hour too long feel free to leave when you have had enough.
After the worship there will be notices for the Meeting, then an opportunity for social chat.
After a Meeting for Worship we have a drink and chat for a short time. You would be very welcome to stay for that when you could talk to us and ask any questions you may have.
You can watch a Youtube video here called An Introduction to Quakers to find out more